Weissbier - Erdinger Hefe


Beer & Ales


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Erdinger Weissbier is not only the undisputed classic in the Erdinger product range, it is also quite simply the wheat beer par excellence.

Erdinger Weissbräu, located in the heart of Bavaria, is the worlds biggest wheat beer brewery where traditional recipes and modern technology combine to provide 'the ultimate in wheat beer enjoyment'.

Privatbrauerei Erdinger has been brewing their Bavarian wheat beers for over 100 years. Beers like this classic Hefe Weissbier have attributed to their international success and are reasons why the brewery is, to this day, the largest wheat beer brewery in the world.

This hefeweizen pours a hazy gold colour with a foamy white head. A lively carbonation brings delicate aromas of bananas and cloves to the nose. Classic flavours of banana and clove are accompanied by a biscuity maltiness and perhaps even a bit of lemongrass. A medium body and crisp dry finish make this a very refreshing drink, pure and simple.